Missing teeth can negatively impact your aesthetics, bite function, and self-confidence. It can even worsen oral health issues like jawbone deterioration, teeth misalignments, and poor bite. Fortunately, you can avoid these complications by replacing lost teeth as soon as possible.
A dental bridge is a practical solution to consider when looking to replace one or a few missing teeth adjacent to each other. They will restore your oral appearance, bite function, speech ability, and self-confidence, and preserve your oral health.
If you’re considering a dental bridge, you should begin by scheduling a consultation with your dentist. The dentist will examine your mouth and listen to your needs to determine whether dental bridges are right for you.
Usually, there are four types of dental bridges: traditional bridges, cantilever bridges, Maryland bridges, and implant-supported bridges. Let’s look at traditional bridges and implant-supported bridges to help you decide which option is best for you.
The bridge is held in position by dental crowns attached to healthy teeth on both sides of the gap. Bridges are ideal if you have healthy teeth on both sides of the gap. The dentist will have to trim down the anchor teeth for the dental crowns to fit.
One of the key benefits of a traditional bridge is that it is supported by dental crowns on both sides of the gap, offering maximum stability. The bridge is also customized to look and feel like your natural teeth. It should fit snugly and securely, allowing you to chew, bite, and smile normally. While strong, the bridge isn’t as stable as your natural teeth. It means that excessive bite force can cause it to break or chip.
Another benefit of using a traditional dental bridge is that it is less invasive. It doesn’t require surgical intervention like dental implants or implant-supported bridges. Similarly, getting a traditional bridge is affordable and faster than getting an implant-supported bridge.
The major downside of using traditional bridges is alternating the anchor teeth, thus weakening them. It can increase your risk of tooth damage like cracks, chips, and breaks.
Another disadvantage of a traditional bridge is that it doesn’t protect you from jawbone deterioration. Over time, the underlying jawbone of the lost teeth tends to weaken. Similarly, there’s a risk of developing dental decay under the bridge, increasing your cavities and gum disease risk. Visit our office for more information about traditional bridges in Chestnut Hill, MA.
If you’re looking for a more stable solution, implant-supported bridges are your best option. A dental implant anchored to the underlying jawbone of the missing teeth supports the bridge. Since a dental implant supports the bridge, it doesn’t require support from your adjacent teeth. You preserve the health of your natural teeth.
Another benefit of implant-supported bridges is that it stimulates the underlying jawbone, preserving the health of your jawbone. The implant also offers a more solid base for the bridge, offering more stability. They are unlikely to slip out of place when chewing, brushing, or speaking. It also offers the most long-lasting benefits.
On the flip side, implant-supported bridges require surgical intervention. It can be a concern to some patients looking for less invasive options. Due to the complexity of the treatment, the procedure is lengthy and expensive, and healing can take 3-6 months. Contact our dentist for more information about Implant-Supported bridges in Chestnut Hill, MA.
Generally, the best option for you will depend on your budget, condition, preferences, and perhaps your dentist’s recommendation.
Traditional dental bridges are ideal for you if you look for a less costly and minimally invasive treatment. You also need to have healthy teeth on both sides of the gap. With proper dental care, a traditional bridge lasts for about 15-20 years, after which you’ll need a replacement.
On the other hand, implant-supported bridges might be your best option if you don’t have healthy teeth next to the gap. Compared to traditional bridges, implant-supported bridges offer more stability, strength, and durability. With proper dental care, an implant-supported bridge can last for a lifetime. On the downside, they are expensive and more invasive.
You’ll enjoy restorative benefits like improved oral health, function, appearance, and speech with either treatment. Our dentist will examine your mouth, discuss your needs, and design a customized treatment plan that suits your needs the best.
Would you like to learn more about dental bridges? Contact Hammond Pond Dental Group to book your appointment today.
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